Non-Medical Models for Rapid Distribution of Emergency Medications

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What characterizes this method of distribution?
  • It Relies on employees to self-screen
  • The emergency medications will be free for all
  • For those with serious medical conditions, employees can take emergency medications home and consult with their primary care provider

A Push Partner POD will only be implemented in emergency situations at non-medical business sites for the primary purpose of distributing life-saving medications as rapidly as possible. This means that employees will be given simplified medication information forms to identify if they can safely take the medications offered.

Medications used in a life-threatening emergency requiring mass distribution to protect the whole population will need to be both safe and effective for all age groups with minimal exceptions.

Employees will “self-screen” to determine which medication, if there are more than one available, is the best treatment to take. Non-medical staff will be briefed to assist employees with their self-screening process.

Employees or family members with serious medical conditions that may interfere with taking the emergency medication will be referred to their primary care provider.

Remember that the health department will provide the medication free of charge at your site but taking the medications is voluntary.

Things to keep in mind when running your Push Partner POD include:
  • Keeping supplies in a safe area where inventory staff can easily track what is coming in and going out.
  • Managing crowd control.
  • Ensuring your staff and family members are able to quickly and safely go through the Push Partner POD.