Materials Provided
Your company has already received materials about how to set up and run a Push Partner POD. This will allow your company to have almost everything in place ahead of time in preparation for activating a Push Partner POD if that ever needs to occur.
In addition to the medications, the health department will provide your business with the following materials upon activation of your Push Partner POD:
- FAQ’s - The Frequently Asked Questions can come in multiple languages to suit the needs of your business.
- Medications being distributed - the health department will include any information about the medications that will be provided at the Push Partner POD. This information is generated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and/or by the drug manufacturer.
- Signs and symptoms about the agent or disease - the health department will include any information regarding the signs and symptoms of the agent or disease being treated at the Push Partner POD. This information is generated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Where to get additional medication - The health department will work with Federal, State, and Local officials to determine if additional medication is needed to be taken over a longer period of time and how to obtain additional medications.
- Screening forms - These forms will allow you and/or your family members to answer questions that will ensure the medication is safe for you and all of your family members. For some rare conditions, an alternate medication may be safer.
- Unit-measured medication packages - the medication that is delivered to your company will already be in pre-measured units or individual containers.