
Safety First!
Safety is first and foremost in the Partner RSS Warehouse

County staff will coordinate with the host warehouse representative to identify safety procedures, instructions, and equipment. The host facility will provide a safety briefing to all volunteer staff before each shift.

There will be a mixture of County and Warehouse staff working together at this Warehouse for the duration of its operation. This means that while County staff will need to educate Warehouse staff in shipping procedures (as they pertain to the County’s Inventory Management System), Warehouse staff will need to educate County staff in basic Warehouse safety.

Every Warehouse has safety procedures which are in place for the safety of the workers. These may include:

  • How to safely move around heavy equipment while it is in use
  • What kinds of Personal Protective Equipment to wear while in the Warehouse (i.e. earplugs, eye protection, hardhats, etc.)
  • When and where County personnel are allowed to walk within the facility

While most County personnel will be working in an office-type setting, there may be personnel on the Warehouse floor to interface with delivery trucks, sign for materials, provide paperwork at the loading dock, etc. These personnel will be identified by a County ID Badge.

The Partner Warehouse staff will be responsible for re-iterating any and all safety regulations and equipment with the designated County personnel. Some of these may include:

  • Knowledge of equipment safety
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Restricted areas and access