Training & Identification

Sample Screener Badge Sample Dispenser Badge
Always Remember To:
  • Listen closely in your Just-In-Time Training or any other announcements as you may need to train others.
  • If you have a role in the Push Partner POD, remember to wear your role identification badge so that you are easily identifiable (e.g. screener, dispenser, etc).

When the Push Partner POD is activated your company’s Push Partner Business Coordinator, with assistance from Health Department staff, will be conducting what is called “Just-In-Time” training. During this training the coordinator will be going over what is expected of those who will have roles in the Push Partner POD as well as what has already been outlined in the Push Partner Plan.

Just-In-Time training is a simplified step-by-step process for safely distributing medication while managing medication inventories and the challenge of crowd control. The training will also cover communication and security protocols and a review of required paperwork.

Some companies may choose to have staff members who have a role in the Push Partner POD wear a role identification badge (e.g. screener, dispenser, etc) so that each station and the staff members are easily identifiable as employees and their families rotate through the Push Partner POD.