When would we expect to see a Partner RSS Warehouse activate?
A Partner RSS Warehouse would only be opened in the rare event that the population is at great risk of exposure to a contagious disease or other biological agent and preventive medications need to be taken immediately to eliminate severe illness.
The RSS Warehouse is established in response to a health emergency, disaster, or epidemic that requires distribution of large quantities of medical supplies from the federal Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) or state emergency medical supplies.
The performance benchmark for operating the RSS Warehouse is modeled upon a release of anthrax in the air as a result of a terrorist attack. The goal for response requires the distribution of antibiotics to every person within 48 hours of the decision to do so, and requires an RSS Warehouse within the first 12 hours to receive supplies from the State and prepare for redistribution.
The order to activate the RSS Warehouse will come from the Public Health Officer, in coordination with the County Office of Emergency Services, and will be part of a larger emergency response effort.
RSS Warehouse personnel will be treated as emergency response partners and receive whatever medications or vaccines that are available to the public.